Tag Archives: Rihanna

We’ve Been Here Before

7 Dec

Yo, Yo, Ho, Ho… I can’t figure what spirit I’m in. Holiday? Or what. I’m in very good spirits about the SAINTS obviously (12-0, almost barely, but some vooodoo and luck can’t hurt when you are a SAINT).

As always let’s get the self-promotion out of the way first. I drew/painted a new piece called, “WHO DAT SHOTGUN” in honor of my  love and pride for THE SAINTS. It’s 18″x24″ so by far my largest piece on sale. Check it out here:

My new piece you can find at, Katnawlin's Shop on Etsy

oh this is my favorite part of the piece:

Now let’s get to the juicy stuff. I like having a blog obviously, but it is limiting. I can’t talk about everything I would like to (Hi, Dad!) because internet. The very thing that allows me to have a blog restricts my ability to blog. I’m not talking about the ability to even connect to the internet, but rather there are just of lot of people I would like to talk about, and it would be very easy for them to find where I have told an embarrassing story about them. To be far the story would humiliate me as much as the other guilty/innocent party(ies). This is just a cold hard fact about the new age, which is why since the summer I have been writing my faux-memoir (because who at 23 should have a memoir unless you were boy solider or a drug mule at six, and I was only quarter of those things).

What are you talking about, Katnawlins?? Very good point italicized random questioner. I’m just saying I have so many tales of trobs for you that you wouldn’t believe, and I’m sure you would be shocked and horrified by, but in order to mostly protect the guilty I’ll refrain from sharing such tales. So, nothing juicy to share with you kind readers as I would love to.

I can share this video/song with you. It’s by Lily Allen, and it’s called “Not Fair,” and I’ve been listening to it a lot lately. It can say more about my life than I can. Ultimately, this song is not just about her partner’s inability to satisfy her sexually as much as his reluctance to. At first he seems like “Mr. Perfect”:hence the lines:

Oh he treats me with respect

He says he loves me all the time
He calls me 15 times a day
He likes to make sure that I’m fine

He seems perfect and you find out he doesn’t “make her scream” in bed.  Many women can relate (men, too), but what I find the most relevant is the act he’s putting on, which is why in the song she sings, “It’s not fair/ And I think you’re really mean/ Oh you’re supposed to care/ But you never make me scream.” He’s only nice to her because he wants to sleep with her, and not interested enough in making sure she is enjoying herself.

Okay.. not to leave this blog entry on such a sour note. Watch my friend, Michael‘s amazing dance troupe recent show, Elemental on youtube.


You can e-mail me or leave questions for me to answer in the comment section. I love to answer questions- a favorite pass time for me.

1. Sooooo your boys [the saints] had a crazy, crazy game on sunday. weirdest game i’ve seen in some time. between the interception-interception play among brees, moore (redskin) and meachem (saint) to suisham missing that beyond easy field goal that brought your boys new life. So, my question is what do you think happened more the redskins lost or the saints won?  – George (from Salt Lake City, UT)

Hi George, you’re the first person from Utah to write in a question so exciting for me. Yeah, it was a very, very strange game and I’ll say we got more lucky than anything. Ultimately, I think the Red Skins dropped the ball so to speak. Jim Zorn should have gone for the 4th down, and trusted his offense could have made a touchdown (our D had been suffering all day, mad injuries). Instead, he picked the more conservative choice and went for the easy points with a field goal except as everyone knows the field goal was no good, and the rest is history. I’m going to go with a little bit of both because the Saints kept fighting all game, and they easily could have just said “you win some, you lose some,” and called it day, but they kept fighting, and that’s what champions do. WHO DAT!

2. You never did blog the next day about your thanksgiving. WHHHHYYY? – Colin (Redwoods, NJ)

You’re right I didn’t. Sorry. Next time I’ll try not to make promises like that. Ugh!

3. What do you think of Rihanna‘s new album? Any good songs? I’m okay with Russian Roulette. – Staci (from El Paso, TX)

Hi Staci, the album is okay. I like “Cold Case Love” a lot, but I think Justin Timberlake pens good songs for Rihanna (like “Rehab”).

You got questions for me leave them in the comments! Till later, boooos!